Swords remind me of Hebrews 4:12
Hebrews 4:12 KJV
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
I have a sword in my office from the Civil War. It’s an amazing piece of history. However amazing a sword is, though, few things evoke such fascination as the samurai swords of Japan. Picture an image of the samurai in his fantastic armor, with his sword, his colorful personal flag, or Sashimono by his side. This is the very symbol of Japan. The samurai swords or Japanese swords in general are prized and admired because of their quality. Further, this sword was even considered inseparable from a warrior’s soul.
In life, the sword was considered such a crucial part of a samurai’s story that when a young samurai was about to be born, a sword was brought into the bedchamber during the delivery. In death when the time came for an old samurai to die, his honored sword was placed by his side. These swords were so revered that they were passed down from generation to generation, from father to son.
Do I treat the Word of God like this? The Bible, God’s Word, being my sword, needed in life until death? Do you? I’m not advocating Bible worship or placing anything or anyone above Christ, but I do want to remind you of this in this holiday season… The Word of God is like a Sword, and in Hebrews I love how it decrees the discernments of our hearts.
What is God’s word – the Sword - saying to us at Summit this year, and in this season? A lot of things, I’m sure. I look back on our podcast, our baseCAMPS, and our online encounters, and they have rich teaching from God’s Word for us all. But what about at this moment? For this time of year?
Well, let me lay it down for us…Christmastime is a time of cheer, giving, consumption, and opportunity for the people of Summit to do something great for each other, our city, and our future. This Christmastime, Summit is in a season of SOWING.
The Sword says: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV
I want us all in this season to sow a year-end financial gift into a few projects in 2023. No pressure, just do it and love it! Below are a few of the projects we can cheerfully sow into that Jesus-loving, discipleship opportunists would jump at. When you make your contribution (whether it’s via check, cash, online, or app), indicate which project we should allocate your investment to.
100 for 50
We need 100 individuals to cheerfully give $50 each so we can update our upper room. We want to create an amazing gathering area we can be proud of for our young adult ministry and our junior and high school students. Our plans for innovating the space include cement floors, a new, full-service cafe, and a vintage neighborhood arcade designed for Summit’s youth programs.
AC 4(k) KIDS
We need three people to buy three A/C units (approximately costing $4,000 each) so that our little kids in the Sprouts nursery and basement can have air conditioning in the summer. Our kids should have good air to breathe. Old buildings are hard to keep comfortable and kids need to be comfortable to learn. If you can’t invest the full amount, find a friend or multiple friends and invest together. Danielle and I are already going half and half on one – join us!
We have to cover the asbestos tiles in the kids wing which are currently sealed, get rid of smelly old carpet, and replace the flooring in the fellowship hall for events and gatherings like Alpha. With the number of people who gather weekly, carpet is not a sustainable solution. God has opened a door for us to install “life-proof,” waterproof, 50+ year vinyl flooring that will cost about $2 per square foot. We want to redo the entire lower level with the same flooring so that it will have a cohesive look and be easy to care for. The old building will need about $7,500 worth of flooring for every room, and the new level could be closer to $10,000. We will leave some of the rooms carpeted for numerous reasons. I’m praying for one of you, and you are praying now about this, too. If one of you sows a check for $20,000, it’s done now and for the future.
I believe God is asking some of you to sow big, sacrificially, out of your abundance, into something that you are not sure of yet, but hopeful. I also believe many of you believe in the mission and vision of Summit Church, and God is asking you to sow big out of your perceived lack. I believe God is asking someone who has been faithful with the big to be faithful to the big again, because it’s a big offering for you. I also believe that the Holy Spirit is sending one of you on a mission you have never been on before with a check with four zeros on it. God loves a cheerful giver, and frankly anyone. But when we are happy to give it, it pleases Him.
So, don’t worry be happy…but with us. (Yes, that is a reggae reference) I have found that I’m not a cheerful giver at times because I’m a focused consumer. Consuming won’t accomplish much in the Kingdom. Danielle and I are choosing something more. You can too.
Again, the Sword says: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV
Here are ways to give and as always, our financials from our last business meeting are available for anyone upon request.
Don’t let the year pass without seeking and responding to the Holy Spirit about these needs.